basic information
is this is a concert and meeting centre, the site is located at a harbor not
far from Reykjavik city centre. the project as a culture centre is build for
leading surrounding redeveloping. So as you can see from the site plan here, because
it right at this corner, is leading this
linear area. So the building itself from exterior to interior enhance a lots of
this linear relationship - gradually.
we can simplify
the site plan two this L shape which represent the building on the angle of the
square which stand for land
The L shape doing three important thing,
1 first is that from the side to nature
elements is 2 flat surface, meanwhile the side face to city has 4 surface, two
levels for each side which is more dynamic. for the skin, the side face to
nature not only is more simple as 2 flat surface , the skin also is a 2
dimension flat skin which u can see from this section.
so the 3dimensioin-2dimension
skin is doing two things. first is for view about the transparency control, to
the city side is those cubes curtain which u can see through from outside because
skin is not flat not 100 percent reflecting, so is kind of showing reachable. from
sea side it is a strong whole shape because u cannot see through since the flat
surface makes 100 percent reflecting. So is the building became a strong element which can do a beautiful
landscape or be a land mark.
the other is about
dynamic changeable surface which can
reflect lots of different light and making different colors. there are 2 moving
material from 2 sides -1.sea waving, 2 high way vehicle. So sea level is a flexible
surface already. it can reflect changeful light to this surface, from this
side, the people who watching is moving and because of the 3 dimensions
surface, it also could reflect colorful light.
2 The other thing is the connection to context
that leading by this L shape, we can see this main way will leading most
visitors coming, so before you get into the building from this entrance , u are
actually already surrounded by the structure, already get into this square, so this
square here are doing the transition job between the urban context to the other
main concert hall block. So u can see this pic, down here are lots house
residential, to here , apartment block, kind of combination, then hotel and commercial
place -- more public and then this opening plaza, a very public and big space,
so Graduate from pieces to unity space. then u can see the first cube here,
although there are two concert hall there, u still can see is there is lots of
opening public space, which is linked to the outside, but also is kind of
random, the small space make up these two big concert hall space. to the other
cube is different , this big space is strong domain this cube, other space is
serving this space. Also is a turning from pieces into a bigger space.
3 last one is circulation, when u getting into
this building by this main entrance through this way, you already getting into
the central part of this huge building composition. that benefits the inner
circulation so well. u can going to either cube of the building. and from the
section here u can c that cube1 more flexible link to city site --journey,cube2
strong stable link to sea level-for the main theatre.
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